Hypnosis itself does not require some specific “power” that the hypnotist has, so it’s ok if you’re not in the same room as them. To put it simply, hypnosis involves you narrowing your focus of attention – this is something that can be directed by voice, and auditory suggestion. We can teach you how to do this for yourself, but you’ll also be guided by your therapist. 

Just like in any session, the therapist you’re working with over Zoom is going to spend time getting to know about you, and what’s going on for you so that they can help you in a way that is right for you. Most people find that after a little bit of time spent talking to someone by video call it begins to feel as though you are sitting down together in the same space. The technology ‘disappears’, and it starts to feel normal pretty quickly. 

We always make time for you to ask questions and get a feel for the whole process. 

Like anything, working by Zoom becomes easier with experience. Our therapists have been practising for many years, and this has allowed them to become comfortable working in all sorts of different circumstances – in busy hospital wards, in large groups, and sometimes even over the phone. Compared to some situations we’ve been in, working via Zoom in a quiet environment is a bit of a luxury. ZOOM sessions are available with Glenn using the links here, or with Carol or Philip by arrangement. You can book your video hypnosis consultation here. 


It is not appropriate to take part in a session (by Zoom or otherwise) if you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol. If you have a history of psychosis you must tell us this to make sure hypnosis is appropriate for you. 


  • At the time of your appointment, you’ll need to be set up in a quiet, private space, with a comfortable chair. Please do not lie on your bed. Your therapist needs to see your head and shoulders for the duration of the session.  Let people know that you’re not available to them for a couple of hours. Make arrangements to secure your animals. Prepare for this ahead of time.


  • Ideally, you’ll be using a tablet, laptop or desktop computer – something that you won’t be required to hold. If you only have a smartphone available to use, work out a way that you can prop it on a desk or table so you don’t have to hold anything. If at all possible, do not sit on a bed, sit in a chair.


IMPORTANT: You need to be visible to your therapist, but also comfortable.

  • At the time of your appointment, make sure all your alerts – email, SMS, social media apps, etc – are OFF. This is really important. Close off any programs or apps that you are not using. You need to focus, and we need you to be without distraction.



  • It is important that your internet connection is strong, and that you have either working speakers and a microphone, or a headset with a microphone attached to your device. If you are using a desktop computer it will need to have a camera and speakers.


  • Have some water handy, and be comfortable!

You will be sent a Zoom link prior to your appointment. The link will open in a browser window, or in Zoom itself if you use the app. We will be prompt, and won’t keep you waiting. If for any reason there is a technical issue and we cannot connect, you’ll be contacted on the phone number you have provided. If we haven’t connected with you by Zoom within 5 minutes of your booked session time no doubt we’ll be trying to get in touch so please turn your phone back on in that case.  

Once connection is made, please make sure your phone volume/vibrate is off.

**If you are a hypnotherapist who wants to learn more about working online we’ve written and filmed a short training course about this. You’ll find it at dkschoolofhypnosis.com

You can book an Online Hypnosis Session using the button here: 


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